install FILEINFO ou outros PHP Modules WHM muito bom?

Tem sim, porém irá recompilar o apache.

Vá no Easy Apache (Apache Update), siga os procedimentos comuns até chegar em “6. Exhaustive Options List”, então marque o “Mbstring”, depois clique em “Save and build”. Aguarde terminar o procedimento e pronto, estará instalado.


This tutorial shows how to install FILEINFO module in your WHM server.

First, please login your WHM panel, once logged in, please access the Easy Apache module

WHM Fileinfo Installation

Then select the ‘Previously Saved Config’ and start to configure the profile

WHM Fileinfo Installation

In the Apache version selection page, please choose the version you would like to use in your server

WHM Fileinfo installation

In the PHP version selection page, please choose version 5.3 or above, as FileInfo is available to version 5.3.X or above only.

WHM Fileinfo installation

Next, in the Short Option List page, please click the Exhausive Option List button to continue

WHM Fileinfo installation

In the Exhausive Option List, please scroll down until  you see the Fileinfo and Check the option. Then save and build the Apache server again.

WHM Fileinfo installation

fileinfo bcmath ativar no whm/cpanel


bcmath hash mime_magic Reflection wddx
calendar iconv mssql session xml
ctype imagick* mysql SimpleXML xmlreader
curl imap mysqli soap xmlrpc
date ionCube Loader openssl sockets xmlwrite
dom json pcre SourceGuardian xsl
exif libxml PDO SPL Zend Optimizer
filter magickwand* pdo_mysql SQLite zip
ftp mbstring pdo_sqlite standard zlib
gd mcrypt posix tidy
gettext mhash pspell tokenizer

modulos padão do godaddy

apc gender memcache propro sysvshm
apcu geoip memcached pspell tidy
apm haru mongo quickhash timezonedb
bcmath hidef msgpack radius trader
big_int htscanner mssql raphf translit
bitset http mysql rar uploadprogress
bloomy huffman mysqli recode uri_template
bz2_filter idn ncurses redis uuid
coin_acceptor igbinary oauth rsync wddx
crack imagick odbc snmp weakref
dba imap opcache soap xcache
dbase inclued pdf sockets xcache_3
dbx inotify pdo sourceguardian xdebug
dom intl pdo_dblib spl_types xmlreader
doublemetaphone ioncube_loader pdo_mysql sqlite xmlrpc
eaccelerator json pdo_odbc ssh2 xmlwriter
eio ldap pdo_pgsql stats xrange
enchant lzf pdo_sqlite stem xsl
ffmpeg magickwand pgsql stomp yaf
fileinfo mailparse phalcon suhosin zend_guard_loader
functional mbstring phar sysvmsg zip
gd mcrypt posix sysvsem

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