requires a minimum of 1024 MB capnel burla

[root@dns cPanelInstall]# sh latest
Verifying archive integrity… All good.
Uncompressing cPanel & WHM Installer…..
____ _
___| _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
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| (__| __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
\___|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|

Installer Version v00060 rbe0ff276749db84303406d39f6101e01c2176edb

Beginning main installation.
2016-12-09 12:07:50 654 ( INFO): cPanel & WHM installation started at: Fri Dec 9 12:07:50 2016!
2016-12-09 12:07:50 655 ( INFO): This installation will require 20-50 minutes, depending on your hardware.
2016-12-09 12:07:50 656 ( INFO): Now is the time to go get another cup of coffee/jolt.
2016-12-09 12:07:50 657 ( INFO): The install will log to the /var/log/cpanel-install.log file.
2016-12-09 12:07:50 658 ( INFO):
2016-12-09 12:07:50 659 ( INFO): Beginning Installation v3…
2016-12-09 12:07:50 421 ( INFO): CentOS 7 (Linux) detected!
2016-12-09 12:07:50 437 ( INFO): Checking RAM now…
2016-12-09 12:07:50 448 (ERROR): cPanel, Inc. requires a minimum of 1024 MB of RAM for your operating system.
2016-12-09 12:07:50 449 (FATAL): Increase the server’s total amount of RAM, and then reinstall cPanel & WHM.
Removing /root/installer.lock.



  1. Run the latest-dnsonly script with the –keep switch
    sh latest-dns-only --keep
  2. Change to the installd directory
    cd installd
  3. edit the “install” file
    search for “$min_memory_rules”
    change your version to 512
  4. run the installer script from there:
    cd  /home/cPanelInstall/
    cd  /home/cpins/installd/

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